Remove background noise adobe audition cc
Remove background noise adobe audition cc

remove background noise adobe audition cc remove background noise adobe audition cc

Make sure to save your changes before exiting your text editor. Once installed, remember the full path to theĪutoHotkey.exe executable. Now, the first thing you want to do is download a program called AutoHotKey from This is no issue for me at all but might reduce performance significantly on other machines. On my machine (which is quite good), it used 150MB of RAM and 1-3% CPU constantly. When you run Adobe Audition in the background keep in mind it will always be running.

remove background noise adobe audition cc


However, if you want to keep the noise reduction effect 24/7 so you can take advantage of it all the time, I will tell you how to run Adobe Audition when your computers boots up in the background so its out of the way. If this is all you want to do then this post won’t help you. For recording audio and small tasks, you can simply run Adobe Audition and open your saved session and then close it when you are done. If you followed the instructions in the video and are happy with the result, you may want to keep the noise reduction effect so its always on. Keep in mind I am using Adobe Audition CS6 and would recommend you use the same version (it will help later on in this tutorial). I have built onto this solution to make it better but the first thing you should do is follow the Youtube video tutorial and come back here to continue. To solve this I found a wonderful video by SaaiTV linked below. However, at this distance, the microphone unfortunately picks up a lot of background noise including computer fans, outside noises and even small things like picking up/putting down a cup of water. I own a Blue Yeti Microphone mounted on a RODE Arm Stand and I like to keep my microphone fairly far away so its not in my face and doesn’t distract me while I record audio or play video games. Recently I have been looking for a way to reduce the background noise my microphone produces.

Remove background noise adobe audition cc